CyberGuide - Information Security and Cyber Risk Management

Barnes & Thornburg

Scott Godes
1717 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20006
[email protected]

About Barnes & Thornburg:

Barnes & Thornburg attorneys are some of the leading advocates when it comes to insurance coverage for cyberrisks and privacy events. Our attorneys have significant experience in helping clients obtain millions of dollars of insurance coverage for losses related to cyberattacks and cyber fraud. This includes notable litigation wins at the trial court and court of appeals levels, successful mediations, and strategic counseling that has resulted in coverage under cyberinsurance, general liability, umbrella, crime, errors and omissions, and first party property policies for cyberattack-related losses. Many of the cyberattacks giving rise to the losses have been in the national news, and multiple coverage disputes have been featured countless times in insurance industry stories and publications. Our attorneys also provide strategic advice about offered policy terms and conditions, helping clients obtain the best possible commercially available coverage.

Survey Answers

Target Client Size
more than $25M
Does US business in
Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West
Does international business in
Primary Service Offering
Legal (compliance, defense, coaching, etc.)
Number of employees
Number of attorneys 100 percent focused on cyber law
Number of carrier-approved panels company is on
Number of breaches worked on in the past year
Who are your clients
Year firm started practicing cyber