CyberGuide - Information Security and Cyber Risk Management


Austin Berglas
335 Madison Avenue, Suite 5G
New York, NY 10017
[email protected]

About BlueVoyant:

BlueVoyant protects you from agile and well-financed attackers. We enable and execute exceptional cyber security defense and protection through technology and tailored services.

The global leadership talent that guides BlueVoyant comes from the top cyber security organizations in the world including the FBI, NSA, Unit 8200, GCHQ, and the C-Suite of major Fortune 500 companies.

We take a highly efficient investigation approach built on decades of FBI Cyber and private sector experience. The team is fieldseasoned and battle tested, having handled some of the most sophisticated cyber breaches.

A mission-driven investigative approach. Customized investigations focused on the needs of the client. No cookie cutter playbooks or commoditized response, only a finely tuned holistic approach to investigations.

Deep experience and expertise. BlueVoyant’s IR Team has deep digital forensic and incident response expertise arising out of decades of work on complex data breaches involving the most sophisticated criminal, nation state and hacktivist actors.

The BlueVoyant Team views each engagement as a partnership. We work with your existing IT security team as well as all major insurance carriers and data privacy counsel.

Exclusive access to one of the largest collections of global internet traffic and dark web data in the world. This includes active/passive DNS, compromised credentials, and related dark-proxy/VPN data collected in real time.

We get it. In addition to our cyber expertise, we understand the complexities and nuances working in the cyber insurance arena.

As a trusted partner, BlueVoyant is well known for its responsiveness, straightforward investigative approach and effective communication.


Survey Answers

Target Client Size
all company sizes
Does US business in
Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West
Does international business in
Canada, Continental Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Mexico United Kingdom
Primary Service Offering
Forensics & cyber investigations
Number of employees
100 to 250
Company Founded
How many network security cases has your company worked on?
more than 1,000
How many cyber insurance claims has your company worked on?
more than 500