CyberGuide - Information Security and Cyber Risk Management

Dykema Gossett PLLC

Cinthia Granados Motley
400 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48243

About Dykema Gossett PLLC:

Dykema’s Privacy and Data Security Practice provides a full suite of services to manage the entire life cycle of a company’s data from its creation to ultimate deletion. Dykema recognizes that privacy and data security concerns will vary greatly by industry due to industryspecific regulation and activity. To address these concerns, Dykema’s Privacy and Data Security Practice is organized by industry group specialty, including attorneys with deep experience in financial services and Fintech, health information privacy and security, automotive (including connected cars/autonomous vehicles), education and student privacy, international and cross border data transfers, retail mobile apps/loyalty/rewards/advertising and workplace privacy. Within each of these industries, Dykema lawyers provide a full suite of services, including consumer class action defense; cyber insurance; employee education and training; federal and state regulatory and compliance counseling, including GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, NYDFS, HIPAA, GLBA and others; incident response and data breach litigation; international compliance and agreements; mergers, acquisitions and vendor/partner transactions; privacy C-Suite counseling (privacy program creation, privacy impact assessments, “Privacy By Design” and product development counseling).

Survey Answers

Target Client Size
all company sizes
Does US business in
Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West
Does international business in
Canada, Continental Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Mexico, United Kingdom
Primary Service Offering
Legal (compliance, defense, coaching, etc.)
Number of employees
more than 25
Number of attorneys 100 percent focused on cyber law
Number of carrier-approved panels company is on
We are currently on six carrier panels and approved provider lists. In this area, we have been approved by numerous insurers to represent their policyholders in breach response and in litigation arising from cyber security incidents, both as formal panels and as approved providers.
Number of breaches worked on in the past year
Collectively our cybersecurity team has handled over 1500 data security incidents, with substantial experience in incidents exceeding 50,000 records.
Who are your clients
Year firm started practicing cyber
Dykema’s data privacy and security team has over 10 years of experience in this space, with privacy certified counsel as well as recognized privacy law academia members.