CyberGuide - Information Security and Cyber Risk Management

Winget, Spadafora & Schwartzberg

Dianna McCarthy
45 Broadway, 32nd floor
New York, NY 10006
[email protected]

About Winget, Spadafora & Schwartzberg:

We provide pre and post incident services through both developed clients and as assigned counsel through insurance carriers. Dianna McCarthy heads up Winget, Spadafora & Schwartzberg’s (“WS&S”) Cyber practice. She has co-chaired the Execusummit Cybersecurities conference since its inception 9 years ago. She serves as secretary of InfraGard’s New York Metro Chapter. She was a founding member of Women in Cyber Leadership and serves as its Vice President. She has been quoted in trade journals on her thoughts on cyber legislation. None of the post incident project WS&S have worked on have resulted in sanctions for its clients. WS&S has offices in all times zones in the United States.

Survey Answers

Client Size
up to $250M
Does US business in
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, West
Does international business in
Primary Service Offering
Legal (compliance, defense, coaching, etc.)
Number of employees
Number of attorneys 100 percent focused on cyber law
Number of carrier-approved panels company is on
Number of breaches worked on in the past year
Who are your clients
Year firm started practicing cyber